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Dewy Stadium Seats at Sunrise

Serving coaches for more than 40 years!

Motivation for Coaches

Give your coaches the resources they need to grow and succeed

Weekly Motivation and

Daily Encouragement

Be Loyal
Be Growth Minded
Be Thankful
Be Positive
Be Focused
Be a Leader
Be Persistent
Be Disciplined
Be Knowledgeable

Be Observant
Be Responsible
Be Committed
Be Forgiving
Be Unselfish
Be Determined
Be Humble
Be Confident
Be Respectful

Be Organized
Do Right
Be Enthusiastic
Be All In
Be 1% Better
Be Present
Be Motivated
Be a Servant
Be Purposeful


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You pick your 13 and then we deliver the program

Three Ways Coaching to Change Lives Can Help


1st Year Head Coach Workshop

Give your 1st year head coaches an opportunity to learn and develop a proven plan for their program, We will discuss organization, expectations, character development, and team development. Bring this workshop to your coaches by clicking the link below. Available in person or online.


13 Success Habits

Online Program

In this program, the coaches in your athletic program will receive daily motivation and encouragement. Each week will focus on one of the 13 Success Habits that you choose. These lessons will also be presented in a way that your Coaches can use them with their teams. Click on the link below to learn more.


Student-Athlete Leadership Development Program

Get the framework, resources, and guidance you need to implement a seven month student athlete leadership development program at your school. Students in the program will meet once month to discuss different leadership traits and how they apply to life. We will equip your coaches with everything they need to establish and lead the program.

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Stan Laing

Athletic Director, Northside ISD

Coaching to Change Lives has been an invaluable resource for us as we  work to equip  our Coaches for Success. The Coaching profession needs these resources. Given the challenges we are facing as a society, we need more coaches than ever that are Coaching Beyond the Game!

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Richard Mendoza

Athletic Director, New Braunfels

The Social Issues and Challenges our kids are facing today cannot be ignored.  We need our teachers and  coaches to come along side them and be a calm voice of guidance. Resources like Coaching to Change Lives are extremely important. 


Shawn Pratt
Superintendent, McKinney ISD

The vast majority of Coaches who get into the profession have a heart for kids.  We need those Coaches more than ever.  Coaching a game is only a small part of what we do. Coaching  to Change Lives is at the heart of what Coaching is all about. 

Utilizing Coaching to Change Lives is Easy!


Schedule a Call

Schedule a time for us to talk, learn about you, and answer any questions you have about our programs.


Get a Custom Plan

We will send you a custom plan based on our conversation and what you are looking to accomplish.



In six months or less you will see a difference in the culture of your school district, your coaches, and your teams.

There are two types of education - one teaches us how to make a living, the other teaches us how to live - Coaches teach young people what it takes to live in a challenging world. 

- D.W. Rutledge

Society Cannot Afford to Continue Losing Good Coaches!

Over 80% of Americans (Coaches in particular) are stressed out, worn out, and burned out,! Give your coaches a way to live above the negativity by equipping them to Change Lives. The 13 Success Habits provides a daily plan for becoming a more positive and productive coach that is making a difference. 


Battle the negative aspects of Coaching with daily reminders of the positives!

"Coaching to Change Lives gives you something positive to put in front of your Coaches and Athletes Everyday."

Invest in the growth and development of your Coaches

Strengthen the culture of your athletic program

Keep your best coaches in the profession and in your district

The 13 Habits of Highly Successful Teams

Great teams in any sport share these common habits.

1. Get 1% Better Each Day
2. Focus on the Process
3. Forget the Past
4. Rally around a Common Goal
5. Win the Day
6. Have Great Leadership
7. Choose to Have a Positive Attitude

8. Value Discipline
9. Practice with Purpose
10. Find ways to Encourage
11. Take Responsibility
12. Do their Job
13. Show Respect

Our program focuses on one habit each week.
At the end of 13 weeks we start over and repeat the process until it becomes a part of your team's identity.

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The Classroom
COach's Guide

Download all the stories, handouts, and evaluations you need to implement the 5 day classroom character program with your team!

Vintage Baseball Ball

"A coach will impact more people in one year than the average person will in an entire lifetime."

Billy Graham

Life is short.   Don't let Opportunity pass you by.  

You were meant for Greatness.  You were meant to Change Lives.

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Coaching to Change Lives Podcast

Lessons on life and leadership from some of the greatest coaches in history and today.


Who Are We?

In the 1980's something magical started to happen at Judson High School in Converse Texas. State Championship Appearances became a regular occurrence for nearly two decades. Under Athletic Director Frank Arnold and Head Coach D.W. Rutledge,  the Rockets were in 7 State Championship Games and 3 Semi-Final Games over the course of 10 straight years. They won 4 of those State Championships. Coach Rutledge's son Clint was a quarterback on two of those teams.


As a result of their success, Coaches came from all over the nation to try and learn their Secret.


What the coaches discovered though, was not what they expected. The secret was not in what offense or defense the Rockets were running.  It was not in how they ran sprints or lifted weights. The secret existed in a room above the gym known as "The Classroom." 


It was in the classroom where Frank Arnold, Dennis Parker, D.W. Rutledge, and the rest of the Judson coaching staff taught the importance of Attitude and Character, and it was where Leaders were born!  Leadership became a way of life at Judson and the torch was passed year after year from one class to the next.  


The lives that were changed as a result of the program at Judson became living proof that the Coaching profession and sports in general are one of the most powerful teaching tools we have in our society.  Those lessons are needed now more than ever.  In 2016, Clint Rutledge joined his Father D.W. Rutledge (the architect of the Judson Program) and they formed Rutledge Development.

Through speaking engagements, consulting services, and product development, Rutledge Development equips coaches to connect the dots between Success in Sports and Success in Life.


We invite you to come and see the secret for yourselves!  

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