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Journal Page for the Week  

Think on this - If you think you can or you think you can't, you're probably right.

Choose to - Believe you are capable of learning something new

Mountain Peak


In a growth mindset, challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So rather than thinking you are about to reveal your weaknesses you get excited about the opportunity to grow. 

Think on this - How do you view challenges? Are they threats or opportunities to grow?

Choose to - Find the opportunity in a challenge you are currently facing.


The hallmark of successful people is that they are always stretching themselves to learn new things.

Think on This - What is something new you would like to learn? 

Choose to - Figure out the first step you need to take to learn that new thing and take it


The growth mindset allows us to see our talents and capabilities as things that can be developed through hard work.

Think on This - What talents have you been given that you need to cultivate with hard work?

Choose to - Establish a plan for developing one of your talents


Successful people have fear. Successful people have doubts. Successful people have worries. They just refuse to let those feelings stop them.

Think on This - What doubts and fears have you allowed to stop you?

Choose to - Overcome your doubt today


Listen to stories and lessons from the original curriculum along with interviews from some of the top coaches in the profession.

Stories and Lessons from the Original Curriculum

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