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Journal Page for the Week
Think on this - Where have you been told that something you want to do is impossible?

Choose to - Stop believing negative people
Success is achieved by ordinary people who possess extraordinary determination
Think on this - What do you think determination means?
Choose to - Have a determined spirit today
To build determination, start with a bold decision and then one small step forward.
Think on This - What is a bold decision you need to make?
Choose to - Make that decision and then take one small step forward
I am only one but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will refuse to do the something I can do.
Think on This - What is something you need to do but have been hesitant to do it?
Choose to - Do something
The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination.
Think on This - How determined are you to succeed in life?
Choose to - Make up you mind to be a success
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